SEPTEMBER 2024 Noise Artists' Playlist

Well, PLANTCELL (Japan) has always been one of my favourite bands, both for their music and for the fact that we have been collaborating for a regularly. Sato please my apologies for having been out of touch for a while. will try to be a better friend. In any case their new 2024 Album is an other excellent output, with some of the sound and song structure evolving in a very subtle and endearing way. well done band. Again.

Here is the introduction of the album. Enjoy.

BIRON is a French project. Very atmospheric, with the French vocals adding a beautiful texture. The mixing is very well done an minimalist. An the use of the reverb perfect.

CABL is a young Irish Noise Pop / shoegaze band that I discovered as I am preparing the Irish Noise Pop and Shoegaze guide (2 volumes you will be surprised). A great sound and good composing skills. The song here is one of my go to at the moment.

SOME REMAIN are also an Irish band I had the pleasure to see in concert in Sligo. great little venue there. The band has excellent energy in their live performance, with a post-punk feel that is really invigorating. A hint of early Arctic Monkeys if you are looking for comparison.

Well every time CHURCHHILL GARDEN released a song, I am blown away by the quality of the song writing, by the sound, the mixing, the graphic art. Just top range. And when KRISSY VANDERWOUDE sings, this is even better. KRISSY has bee collaborating for a long time across the ocean with ANDY JOSSI and this is magical.

We did a piece on BLANKENBERGE some time ago. They just released a superb single that you can listen to below. An excellent reminder of their beautiful music.

Ireland Shoegaze & Noise Pop, a guide, vol.1

Ireland Shoegaze & Noise Pop, a guide, vol.1

NOVEMBER 2022 Noise Artists' Playlist

NOVEMBER 2022 Noise Artists' Playlist